Setting up Slack and Teams Notifications

Set up Slack and Teams Channel notifications from the portal.

Slack and Teams are two communication systems commonly used for inter-office communications. Setting up portal notifications to Slack and/or MS Teams allows your internal staff to be instantly notified of transactions on the portal and would allow you to render superior service to your customers.

Messages in both Slack and Teams are posted to "channels" and by adding the relevant staff to each channel will allow you to ensure relevant staff get notified when there are transactions or requests on the portal. You could of course send notifications of different types to the same channel(s) or include the same staff in more than one channel.

Setting up Slack Notifications

You can set up separate slack channels for different notifications. Click the "Add Slack" button in the notification section.

The following slack screen will open. If you are not signed in to your Slack account, you will first be prompted to do so.

Select the channel where you would like these notifications to post to. You need to set up the channels in Slack before this selection. When you have selected the channel, hit the "Allow" button.

A webhook will be generated. Copy this URL and paste it into the Slack Webhook URL field on the portal Screen.

You will be notified in Slack that a new integration has been created


You can revoke any Portal permissions by logging in to your slack account in a browser and selecting the drop-down on your workspace name


Now select "Settings and administration" and then "Manage Apps"


Select the "Customer Portal" from the list of apps 


Select "Configuration" and revoke the permissions you want to cancel.


Setting up MS Teams Notifications

Microsoft Teams Webhook
New Webhook
To generate a Teams webhook you will need to log into your teams account and follow these instructions.
1. Open or log into MS Teams and select the channel you wish to link to the Portal
2. Click on the more options icon and choose Connectors
3. A pop up window will appear. Make sure All is selected on the left and click Add or Configure for Incoming Webhook
4. Another pop up will appear. Here you can give it a name and an image (optional). After you have set those up click the Create button
5. The window will update with the webhook. Copy the URL to your Merchant settings to start receiving Teams notification for your Portal:
Existing Webhook
To find an existing Teams webhook you will need to log into your teams account and follow these instructions.
1. Open or log into MS Teams and select the channel you linked to the Portal
2. Click on the more options icon and choose Connectors
3. A pop up window will appear. Click on Configured on the left. You should see Incoming Webhook as one of your configured settings.
4. Click on the Configured drop down underneath the Configure button. This will reveal the Webhooks you have configured.
5. Click the Manage button for the appropriate webhook. This will show it’s settings plus the webhook URL for you to copy to your Merchant settings.
You can also revoke any webhooks from within Teams.